
“A happy heart makes the face cheerful…”   Proverbs 15:13

Has it been awhile since you have smiled? Not just a halfhearted smile, but a smile where your entire face lights up because you actually mean that smile. You feel it from the inside of your soul and the only way for that joy to escape you is through a genuine smile?

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”  Proverbs 17:22

Sometimes, our crushed spirits can wipe our smile away and it can be harder than you may imagine putting that smile back on. A crushed spirit can be difficult to hide. You may “smile” but your eyes will show the pain or the smile may be barely there, or in some cases, the smile isn’t there at all.

One of the greatest gifts children have given me is their smile. They tend to laugh and smile at things that I am not focusing on. Sometimes it can be a distraction (like when I’m teaching them something), but really their ability to smile and laugh is a miracle in the world today. And when that smile fades…it crushes my spirit to wonder what took the smile from their face. I’m not talking about the temporary frown because they didn’t get their way on the movie or game choice or the best cinnamon roll on the pan. I’m talking about the season when I can see a halfhearted smile or no smile at all on their face in many of the photos I take. Where despite what great experiences we are having, their soul can’t lie, their face calls them out and I begin to fear it won’t come back if I don’t make a change or do something different….

But God…

He has taught me about other’s smiles through my own. I have had seasons in my life when my smile has been halfhearted. When I wasn’t all in to the moments I was in because my spirit was crushed by something. I could have a comedian tell a great stand-up act, be tickled, given a hug, but the full face smile doesn’t come. No matter what kind act another gave it may not “make” the smile happen, but it may be a step towards it. What God has taught me about the true, genuine smile is that it is generated when all of our hope lies in Him.

When we learn of Job in the Bible, we read of his devastation, his loss of all that matters to him. As he grieves, he says to God:

“Yet if I speak, my pain is not relieved; and if I refrain, it does not go away.” Job 16:6

“My face is red with weeping; dark shadows ring my eyes…”  Job 16:16

Yet after Job grieves, he states:

“My intercessor is my friend as my eyes pour out tears to God…”  Job 16:20

When I began to think of God as my friend, my father, I began to feel hope within my despair. I could be within a storm and still find a smile at seeing His hand guiding me, caring for me, providing for me. I began to realize all of the places, people, and circumstances I had been placing my hope in were causing my smile to fade and I began to put more and more of my hope in God because He never fails. He always brings cause for a smile. I began to actually better understand these verses:

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the test of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”  James 1:2-4

Growing up, my mom took a lot of pictures!  She would often say, “Smile pretty.” (I mean do I smile ugly mom? Ha!) But I think I know what she meant…smile like you mean it. Because I can imagine on the other side of the camera peering through she could see when the smile was halfhearted. As I look through photos of my kids, there are times my smile is bigger than theirs and times it is not.  Sometimes seeing their halfhearted smile makes my smile fade. It’s a slippery slope! Why? Because when I start to shift my hope into someone else’s happiness, I am doomed.  We have to keep our eyes on the only one who won’t ever let us down, God. That way we can maintain our smile, and help others in their smile-less season knowing it isn’t something God can’t handle, but He may need our smile to shine His light.

Father, some days it can be very difficult to smile. Some days, it is even harder to be with those we love when they are unable to smile. Please help us to turn our eyes to you. Renew our hope in you, something that will not fade, that will deliver what you have promised. Let our smiles return to full smiles that light up wherever you send us. When we meet another where the smile has faded, let us not take that personally, but be reminded, that may be just why you sent us there to light their smile back up. We love you Father and we need you. May your face shine upon us today. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Today’s image was one I treasure because I felt true smiles on each of our faces. We all were feeling grateful for some good news we had received that day. Thank you Father!

Love, Julie

Father, Today I Surrender:

My Smile

Show me the next step I should take.


Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® , NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
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