
“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”   Philippians 3:14

This week, my boys entered 4H projects into the county fair. It was our first full year in 4H and our first year ever entering projects into the fair. I was not in 4H growing up, so learning the ins and outs of projects and fair entries was brand new. In addition, we had never visited the county fair we now live in, so even what that would look like, we did not know. All I did know was that I had signed up my boys and the project they had invested themselves into to be judged and put on display for the potential to win a prize ribbon alongside many other amazing kids who had also invested so much of themselves into projects they really cared about.

I was less concerned about the ribbon and more with them getting the opportunity to take a project through to completion, to be a part of something, to have an outlet to share gifts and talents they have alongside others; however, I didn’t realize all that I would feel as we walked through this process. The first day we arrived, it was a sweltering hot and humid day. We had just survived being sick and had been out of our home about all day when we arrived right on time to find out we weren’t in the right project “class” so we had to be put at the bottom of the list and wait about an hour. We sat in the car, turned on the a/c and made the most of our downtime.  My oldest had created a custom Lego project and when we headed back in to wait our turn to be called, realized he was one of many Lego projects.  He was the last name called to head back and be “judged.”  I hadn’t fully known how to prepare him for that part. I could only sit back and tell him to be himself and be honest. The woman who came to grab him was bubbling over with enthusiasm.  Somehow after sitting with child after child, Lego project after Lego project on one of the hottest days we have had this summer, she had not lost her enthusiasm.  From a distance I could see her sit across from my son and smile and nod as she asked questions and waited for him to answer. The care she took as she listened, the questions she asked, the head nodding and smiles she gave, they filled this mom’s heart. It was as if God sent an angel down to sit with my son and say, “You matter, I see all the hard work you have done, I care about you enough to listen.”  His hard work was being noticed, valued, appreciated, and honored by someone who truly appreciated it. Regardless of the outcome that moment will be treasured.

The last day we were at the fair, my youngest son was up for judging, this was for his pet rabbit. A completely different vibe to the day. The weather was mild (I wore a long sleeved shirt!), the amount of kiddos waiting was small, and as we looked around we were the only ones with a live animal for our category. We hadn’t done a poster, we just brought the animal. I wasn’t sure if it was a bust, but he headed up with a very nice woman and sat down. Again, I sat back from a distance and watched as he got to tell all about his love, his pet rabbit. My youngest may excel at many things others will never see or witness because they aren’t often performed in front of others. So for him to sit and have someone interview him about his rabbit pet care skills was a dream for this mama’s heart. This boy loves his animals and he tends to them with abundant love and care. Again, it was as if God sent a Heavenly angel to say, “Thank you son for loving this rabbit with all that you have and caring for it so well.”

This experience of being judged made me realize what a gift it is to have someone lovingly sit with you and listen to you and provide you feedback on what you work so hard on. It also made me reflect on my own life. What would my 4H project be? What would I hope to sit down with an enthusiastic, caring judge to share about and tell me how I did?

What would be my “magnum opus,” as Charlotte the spider from Charlotte’s Web once shared, my greatest life work….

“For we will all stand before God’s judgement seat. It is written: “’As surly as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.’” So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.”  Romans 14: 10-12

One day, we will sit in the judgement seat. We will take an account of ourselves before God, but it won’t be for one project, it will be for our life. Will we receive a “Well done, good and faithful servant?”(Matthew 25:23). Or will we be reminded we have left unfinished business like grudges, anger, apologies unresolved and told to go and be reconciled to our brother and sister and return with our offering? (Matthew 5:23-24)

We are one of God’s great fair projects. It may sound weird to say that, but each one of us, He designed with a specific set of skills and talents. As many people as there are on earth, there are that many unique categories of skills and talents. We all have it in us to be Grand Champions of ourselves, so let’s live everyday like we will be seeing God at our dinner table. What do we want to tell Him about our journey? I bet his judging sheet will be one filled with pride over how well we picked ourselves up after the heartbreak we received and kept moving forward. Maybe a comment on how well we forgave that person who really hurt us. A “job well done” for the project we finished when no one else showed up to help. A “nice job”, on the hug we gave our child after they told us they hated us. Even an “exceptional” on those daily prayers given for the person in our life who may not even acknowledge we exist but that we long to be in fellowship with.

It all matters! Everything you do matters. How you clean that toilet. Pick up that piece of trash at the park. Listen to that friend. Stay faithful to your spouse. Care for the elderly person or young child.  Everything you do, He Sees.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”   Colossians 3:22-24

Father, today let us choose to live as if you care about everything that we do. From the smallest task to the greatest act of love, you appreciate it all. We are all your Grand Champions, let us believe it and behave like it. We love you and appreciate you.

P.S. Today’s image was us helping at a food stand during the fair. We sold snow cones, popcorn, and soda.  Working alongside these boys while serving others and seeing them enjoy it was probably a highlight of the fair for me!

Father, Today I Surrender:

My Prize

Show me the next step I should take.


Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® , NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
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