“to bestow on them a crown of beauty…” Isaiah 61:3
I was taking a walk this week with the Lord thinking through the most recent moments of my life, and reflecting on other ones. I said as if He were right next to me, “Why is it that the more I put you first, the more I seem to come in last?” As those words came out, I felt God smile upon me and whisper, “Exactly.” I laughed as all of the things that seemed to hurt me lifted, things were happening just as they should…
Sitting to a meal later that day, my boys were debating something when a memory sparked from 24 years ago! It was Homecoming 1999. My senior year. I was chosen to be the Homecoming Queen that year and was humbled to have been selected. It had been a difficult time leading up to that moment as I was actually helping plan the dance and decorations. Leadership can have its own obstacles, and I felt a little worn down and unsupported. Before the evening began, a teacher who I respected very much took me aside and said, “You deserve all that you will receive tonight.” I didn’t understand, but within a short time had a “crown” placed upon my head and knew…. However, within moments of that “crown,” as the dust settled, my date then said, “You don’t plan to wear that all night, do you?” To which I took the crown off and placed it in my car. From beauty to ashes…
Thinking about that moment didn’t make me bitter, it made me think of dozens of milestone moments in my life where a very similar scenario happened, a moment to celebrate and put on that “crown,” and then being asked to remove it in humility. I began to see a picture of this life and a theme that I had been taught early on yet didn’t understand until now, nor appreciate.
“So, the last will be first, and the first will be last.” Matthew 20:16
When I reflect on painful moments, I tend to look for a Jesus story that mirrors it. It comforts me to know He understands. So when I thought of a crown, I thought of this:
“ They put a crown of thorns on His head.” Matthew 27:29
Jesus did not come here looking for a title. In fact, it was the world who kept trying to place a title on Him. Pilate himself asked Jesus, “Are you the king of the Jews?” to which Jesus replied, “You have said so.” Luke 23:3
The world is quick to give a title, to mock or ridicule, to envy, to boast… Many times the titles, honors, or “crowns,” one is given, were not even asked for. I’ve also learned if you are standing blinded in the light of your own glory you may miss an opportunity to sit in the dark with someone else and bask in the light of His glory, our Father’s.
Jesus himself while denied, betrayed, killed….still returned to those He was denied, betrayed, and killed by to comfort them. Make food for them. Teach them.
“Jesus said to them, ‘Come and have breakfast.’ None of the disciples dared ask him, “Who are you?’ They knew it was the Lord.” John 21:12
When I made the decision to trade my “worldly” life for the path God would lead me on, to place on the invisible “crown of glory,” I still didn’t meet celebration. There was no party thrown that I figured out the better path. There was no card in the mail that my choice was good and honorable. Honestly, it has been a tougher walk in some ways because the reward, the celebration, the reunion with those who have gone before is yet to come. It requires faith in the unseen.
But God….
He spoke great encouragement over me this week and I hope you feel this too:
“I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.” Revelation 3:11
The crown I wear now is not visible and it cannot be removed. Are you ready to put yours on?
Today’s picture is of the crown from Homecoming 1999. I never knew what happened to it until I found it packed up in a box of memorabilia from my home. I almost let it go, my boys aren’t too interested in things like that, ha, but, am glad I didn’t because it was the inspiration for today. I hope whatever you are walking through, no matter how cast aside, important or unimportant you feel that you know your worth comes from our Father in Heaven and no one can remove that from you.
What “worldly” success you have been “crowned” with. How can you trade that in for a crown that will never be removed?
Have you been feeling “less than” because you do not have a crown? Think again—you too can wear one!
Have you envied someone else’s crown? Reflect on what life experiences that person has had and maybe you can see them in a new light and celebrate with them and remember we all have a crown ready to be worn.
Thinking of you, Julie
Father, Today I Surrender:
My Crown
Show me the next step I should take.