
“For this reason he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people.” Hebrews 2:17

Growing up, I never heard anyone in my home fart except for ME.  I seemed to be the entertainment with this unique ability.  My sister used to enjoy sitting on my belly and tickling me until I lost bodily control and then laughed hysterically at me. Sometimes just sitting on my belly was enough.  Since I felt like I was an oddity because of this, I learned to hold in those farts. When I was married, I remember my husband having no problem letting any and all farts fly. He could even do it on command while I sat with a bloated uncomfortable stomach.  I remember one time he asked, “Why don’t you just let yourself fart?”  Hmm… what might happen if I just didn’t hold it in?

But God….

He must have a sense of humor to create a human body that actually produces smelly gas that must be expelled out of our rear end. I mean, He has to laugh at that part of His creation. We ALL do it. I mean even our pets do it and how can you help not laughing.  Maybe He built in a double release, farting followed by laughter. Who doesn’t feel better after that?  If you are me, sometimes it is laughter followed by farting.  My kids and I love to play “Make me laugh,” where we stand up and try to get each other to laugh. Usually it is “crickets” when I go, but I make myself laugh so hard trying to make them laugh that I end up curled up on a ball on the ground laughing and yep, farting, which ALWAYS gets them laughing.  It’s a gift 🙂

After having children, there is a bit of “freedom” you feel with your body.  I mean you have lain completely exposed to a room of strangers (My first childbirth, I even had students come in the room to observe who I knew!  I gave them a slight wave as I died of embarrassment as to the new view of their mentor they were receiving). Every nook and cranny the world has never seen has now been under the light and viewed by more than you wish. You start breastfeeding and now your upper body is also exposed as nurses and whoever else helps you figure out how to do this. Your body really gets surrendered to be used in ways it hasn’t before. When I came home, I started to realize, things went back together a little “looser” than before. One night as I headed down the hall to lay my new baby down, I literally farted with every step I took. Like a duck quacking. My then husband starting laughing so hard, that I started laughing so hard and then you know what happens when I laugh!  I think I blew the back half of the house off that night!


Why would I even dare talk about this embarrassing topic to anyone who may read?  Well, because showing our “humanness” is precisely what Jesus did for us when He showed up in human form. It really is a hallmark of the beauty of our God.  He wanted us to know He really does understand…right down to our farts!

Consider Christmas, the birth of Jesus. Mary was a likely a teenager. She was led to a barn to have her first baby, the Messiah, next to animal manure. The smell had to be terrible. The conditions, unsanitary. Then shepherds, angels, Joseph, I mean no privacy.  I bet a cow was heard mooing, maybe even farting in the background. Sometimes we paint such a “sterilized” image of Jesus or Christianity and it is just as messy as we all are.

“…and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.”  Luke 2: 7

Then, into His final hours, Jesus was stripped bare and beaten with his entire body exposed as He was humiliated in front of a crowd. He struggled to carry His cross up a long walk and hill where He fell. His human strength gave out. Finally, He was nailed to that cross and hung, likely bloody, sweaty, bruised, and exhausted until His death.  To which one more stab went into His side.

“Now the men who held Jesus mocked Him and beat Him.”  Luke 22: 63

But God….used this “humanness” to bring about the greatest miracle, raising Jesus to new life beyond His physically deteriorated body giving all of us hope of that to come in our own lives!

 “He has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.”  Matthew 28: 6

So, how does farting have anything to do with Jesus?  Everything in my opinion!  It is evidence of our human bodies. It keeps us humble.  If we can’t fart or admit that we do, how can we tell someone about our deepest pain, our heartbreaks, and our struggles?

Now don’t get me wrong, we say “excuse me” in our home and I don’t want my children standing in front of a group farting to get attention and being obnoxious; however, I do want my children to feel safe to be in their human body doing what it needs to do and that It is OK!

The image today is of me as a baby with my sister likely plotting her next tickle attack. Something about babies…..they have a smile that fills a room, and don’t care who is around when they fart, poop, burp and often even giggle afterwards. Somehow they have the magical ability to make everyone think they are adorable after they do what their body does. No care in the world.  If we could all embrace that ability to just be who God made us to be (with some manners of course) we may brighten up every room we enter!

What human parts of yourself are you “holding in” in fear of judgement?

How can you be more your true self today?

Hoping I may have at least helped you laugh today and in my vulnerability gave you some courage to be a little more raw with your own truth. Much love, Julie

Father, Today I Surrender:

My Farts 🙂

Show me the next step I should take.


Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® , NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
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